Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Rocking My Frizzy Fro!!!!

So yesterday was HOT to say the least. I did a braidout a couple of days before so I thought it would last, but when I took my bonnet off yesterday morning, my braidout turned into a frizzout lol. I have 3 hair textures, a mix of 3b/4a at the top and 3c in the back. I guess the humidity got the best of my natural locs but being me I put on some fire earrings and a colorful sundress and rocked it like a natural diva should. I do admit though, sometimes the frizziness and dullness that is my hair works my nerves. I have heard that a few home remedies help with frizz and makes your hair shinier. I have heard that ACV Rinses (Apple Cider Vinegar), Avocado Hair mask, and even beer will help with the frizz. I am planning on trying the ACV Rinse soon but I am reluctant because I have heard that it does have a drying effect. I even think that I may change shampoos. I do know that shampoos that are sulfate free helps our textures but are so expensive. So I may do a hair haul today and keep you posted. =)


  1. Cute! yeah, my hair frizzes up in the front..So, i've been trying to find a way to tame or reduce the frizz. For the mean time, i've just been rocking it! lol I did an acv rinse on my hair a couple of days ago, I'll post the results in a few..

    1. Thanks Krys and plz keep me posted on the ACV Results. I think that I may just stop being cheap and buy some sulfate free shampoo do you use any?

  2. Replies
    1. it's is a hair texture scale that is used to describe the hair pattern. I will post it in my next blog

